Marquee Artwork
Cabinet Artwork
Control Panel Overlay

The Pit

  • Year Released: 1981
  • Licenced: A.W Electronics - Zilec Electronics
  • Type: Colour Raster Game
  • Screen Orientation: Vertical
  • Production Numbers: unknown
  • Play Type: Single player upto 2 players alternating
  • Controls: Joystick & Buttons
  • Coin Door: Type 1
  • Cabinet Types: Upright & Cocktail
  • Cabinet Size U/R: H: 179.7 W: 64.8 D: 76.2
  • Cabinet Size C/T: H: 100 W: 65.4 D: 101.6
  • Weights: U/R: 141 Kg C/T: 111.5 Kg
  • Artwork: Vinyl Sides & CPO

The Pit

You must make your own path to return to the Base Ship... But you must cross the deadly Pit to enter the ship. Fail... and you and your riches will never be heard from.

Game Play Screen Shot
Game Play Screen Shot
Game Play Screen Shot
Game Play Screen Shot


The Legend

As the tale goes, a dazzling treasure lies underground a forbidden planet. The temptation of riches beyond belief is tooenticing, you must go for it.

The Expedition

You land your spacecraft on the unknown terrain. With the aid of lasers the tedious tunneling begins, being ever so careful not to unlodge rocks that block your path. The lure for treasure grows stronger as you find "Blue Gem Crystals" in some tunnels. It can't be far off.

You Are Not Alone

The lust for riches extends throughout the galaxy. An alien ship joins yours on the strange planet and enemy explorers descend into the depths of the cave in an attempt to steal the treasure.

The Showdown

You meet your fellow space prospecter face toface... you fire first, disintegrating the felon... you hasten your quest for the treasure... you must reach it first.

Before Your Very Eyes

The treasure chamber is sighted... you blast through and your wildest dreams are satisfied... there lies the treasure for taking. Quickly you gather your bounty while avoiding the crash rocks...


User Manual
PCB Pinouts


  • The highest score officially recorded for this game was 177900 Points and this was done by Sampras on 21/03/2004.
  • The Pit Game Demonstration
  • The Pit Upright The Pit Upright The Pit (rare) Cocktail The Pit Cocktail NOS Box