Marquee Artwork
Cabinet Artwork
Control Panels


  • Year Released: 1981
  • Licenced: Olympia
  • Type: Colour Raster Game
  • Screen Orientation: Vertical
  • Production Numbers: 500
  • Play Type: Single player upto 2 players alternating
  • Controls: Buttons
  • Coin Door: Single Door
  • Cabinet Types: Upright
  • Cabinet Size U/R: H: 179.7 W: 64.8 D: 76.2
  • Weights: U/R: 141 Kg
  • Artwork: Vinyl Sides & CPO

Do you accept the challenge?

A Dramatic war game featuring enemy attack on three fronts; land, sea and air.

Game Play Screen Shot
Game Play Screen Shot
Game Play Screen Shot
Game Play Screen Shot

Game Features

Tranquility Base

Huddled in a camouflaged, beach-head garrison you man your artillary. The beauty of the deep blue sky before you is only surpassed by an even depper blue ocean. Its quiet ... but not for long.

Peace, Is Not At Hand

The calm is frightening. Suddenly, you hear a rumble to your left... you lookup... perspiration drips down your hands loosening your grip on the joystick.

The Discovery

Your fears are well founded... it's a huge bomber with you in its sights. Another rumble to your right ... a tank is bearing down the path that leads to your garrison. While cutting through the high seas a destroyer closes in, ready to release its landing craft.

The Decision

Your thumb inches down on the red firing button and you blast away... A bomber is downed, a tanker is stopped in its tracks and the destroyer takes on water... but there's plenty more where they came from as the battle for survival continues.

Always Darkest Before the Dawn

Night falls... but the battle for survival continues... The dark becomes the ally of the enemy, your only friend is your powerful searchlight.


User Manual
PCB Pinouts


  • D-day Game Demonstration